



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    1002014,Effect of the electrolyte and anode on dissolved oxygen yield in the electrocatalytic processing of wastewater,29,7,pp654-659 (SCI)章日行
    100Chang Chien S.W., C.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, M.C. Wang*, M. Madhava Rao, and S. Satya Veni. ,2012, Effect of sunlight irradiation on photocatalytic pyrene degradation in contaminated soils by micro-nano size TiO2. ,Total Environ,409,pp4101-4108 (SCI)張簡水紋
    100Chang Chien S.W., C.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, M.C. Wang*, M. Madhava Rao, and S. Satya Veni.,2011,Oxidative degradation of pyrene in contaminated soils by δ-MnO2 with or without sunlight irradiation. ,Total Environ.,409,pp4078-4086 (SCI)張簡水紋
    100S. F. Cheng, C. Y. Huang and Y. T. Tu,2011,Remediation of soils contaminated with chromium using citric and hydrochloric acids: The role of chromium speciation on Cr leaching., Journal of Environmental Technology (SCI)程淑芬
    100Pai T.Y., Yang P.Y., Wang S.C., Lo H.M., Chiang C.F., Sung P.J., Kuo J.L., Chu H.H., Lin C.Y., Su H.C., Yu L.F. and Hu H.C.,2011,Pai T.Y., Yang P.Y., Wang S.C., Lo H.M., Chiang C.F., Sung P.J., Kuo J.L., Chu H.H., Lin C.Y., Su H.C., Yu L.F. and Hu H.C., 2011. Predicting effluent from the wastewater treatment plant of industrial park based on fuzzy network and influent quality. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 3674-3684. (SCI). Impact Factor: 1.371. (16/87=18.39%, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, 2010; 23/93=24.73%, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications, 2010; 42/133=31.58%, Mechanics, 2010), Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCI)羅煌木
    992010,Pai, T.Y., Ho, C.L., Chen, S.W., Lo, H.M., Sung, P.J., Lin, S.W., Lai, W.J., Tseng, S.C., Ciou, S.P., Kuo, J.L., Kao, J.T., 2010. Using seven type of GM(1, 1) model to forecast hourly particulate matter concentration in Banciao City of Taiwan. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution., Vol. 217, No. 1-4, pp. 25-33. (SCI), Impact Factor: 1.765. (83/193=43.01%, Environmental Science, 2010; 31/68=45.59%, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences, 2010; 19/76=25%, Water Resources, 2010) (SCI)羅煌木
    992010,Chiang, C.F., Tsai, C.T., Pai, T.Y., Lo, H.M., Chao, K.P., 2010. Analyzing the design criteria of primary settlers for small sewage treatment systems: A national survey in Taiwan. J. Hazard. Maters., 175, 915-919. (SCI), Impact Factor: 4.173. (4/42=9.5%, Engineering, Environmental; 1/106=0.9%, Engineering, civil, 2009) (SCI)羅煌木
    99Lo, H.M., Kurniawan, T.A., Sillanpää, M.E.T., Pai, T.Y., Chiang, C.F., Chao, K.P., Liu, M.H., Chuang, S.H., Banks, C.J., Wang, S.C., Lin, K.C., Lin, C.Y., Liu, W.F., Cheng, P.H., Chen, C.K., Chiu, H.Y., Wu, H.Y.,2010,Modeling biogas production from organic fraction of MSW co-digested with MSWI ashes in anaerobic bioreactors,Bioresour. Technol.,101,pp6329-6335 (SCI)劉敏信
    99章日行;Amanda V. Ellis;唐政宏;黃文圻 ,2010,Copper cation transport and scaling of ionic exchange membranes using electrodialysis under electroconvection conditions ,Journal of Membrane Science,361,pp56-62 (SCI)章日行
    99章日行;黃文圻 ,2010,By Using Current–Voltage Relation and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Study the Transport Characteristics of Copper Cations through a Cationic Exchange Membrane under Electroconvection Operation ,The 10th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology in Taiwan & Advances in Membrane Technology for Energy Conservation and Carbon Capture Forum, Chungli (SCI)章日行


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